Paul doesn't like it when I tell people we met at Nerd Convention, but we did. Here's how it went down.
My sophomore year of high school, I went to Model United Nations as a delegate representing Luxembourg. My team's proposal didn't make it out of subcommittee, so the rest of the weekend was fully devoted to people-watching and general frivolity. Paul was representing Poland and basically owned the General Assembly. I developed a terrible crush.
The next year, I got smart and attended as a member of the Press Corps. Press was all of the fun of getting to hang around the conference and talk to people, with none of the work of having to come up with a proposal ahead of time or the stress of having to present said proposal. One of the GA sessions I sat in on featured a particularly stirring oration from Paul, and after the day wrapped up, I got one of the press guys from his high school to introduce me to him. I stammered something to the effect of, "It's so nice to meet you; that was a really great speech." His response was to grunt in my general direction and walk away. I don't think Paul actually even remembers this event. He claims he thought I was making fun of him. Whatever.
There is one picture of us together that exists from this period, but it has been lost to the mists of time. This is the hotel where it all happened. |
My plan worked (um, obviously). He mailed me the book and included his email address. We struck up a conversation via email and AIM (hey, it was 2003), and I started falling hard.
Coming up in Part II: an awkward breakfast with Paul's dad, an awkward Sadie Hawkins dance, and a DTR on the steps of the State Capitol.
Girl, why'd you have to go and make this a multi-part project?! I know how this ends but I still need more!